Friday, September 25, 2009

Candidate for US Congress Randy Altschuler Calls on Tim Bishop to Listen to the Citizens of NY-01 and Reject a Government-Run Health Care System

EAST SETAUKET, NY: Today, entrepreneur and Republican Candidate for US Congress Randy Altschuler released the following statement:

"When the August recess is over, it is my hope that Tim Bishop will carry the message back to Washington and to Nancy Pelosi that the citizens of New York's First Congressional District do not want a government-run health care system.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Randy Altschuler Signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge

Businessman Randy Altschuler recently signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge in his race against Rep. Tim Bishop. Bishop represents the taxpayers of New York’s fist congressional district. According to Politics1, Altschuler is the currently the only Republican in the race.

The Cook Political Report rates NY-01 as having a PVI of EVEN. To see additional comments on the race, check out ATR’s press release on Altschuler signing the Pledge below the fold.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bishop Checked by GOP Knight In NY-1

“They’re calling him ‘Bailout Bishop’ here and, boy, are they mad!” certain Republican nominee Randy Altschuler told me over lunch during a recent trip to Washington, referring to the Democrat’s unpopular votes to use federal dollars to bail out free-spending Wall Street financial titans. Altschuler, a Harvard Business School graduate who launched his own company out of his apartment, made it clear he would have opposed the bailouts as well expanding the government role in GM and Chrysler.